صفحه محصول - پاورپوینت کروموزوم

پاورپوینت کروموزوم (pptx) 25 اسلاید

دسته بندی : پاورپوینت

نوع فایل : PowerPoint (.pptx) ( قابل ویرایش و آماده پرینت )

تعداد اسلاید: 25 اسلاید

قسمتی از متن PowerPoint (.pptx) :

کروموزوم Aneuploidy As women age some chromosomes exhibit non-disjunction in oocytes Many theories why 13, 18, 21 associated with age 16 and X only first meiotic division associated with age Most chromosome abnormalities incompatible with life Will miscarry Maternal age specific estimates of trisomy among all clinically recognisable pregnancies Hassold et al., 1985 Parental origin of aneuploidy Paternal % Maternal % Trisomy 13 15 85 Trisomy 18 10 90 Trisomy 21 5 95 45,X 80 20 47,XXX 5 95 47,XXY 45 55 47,XYY 100 0 Chromosome abnormalities in humans Spermatozoa 10% Mature oocytes 25% Spontaneous miscarriage 50% Live births 0.5-1% Most due to maternal meiotic non disjunction Strongly related to maternal age Natural selection at work Chromosome abnormalities in miscarriages Incidence % Trisomy 13 2 Trisomy 16 15 Trisomy 18 3 Trisomy 21 5 Other Trisomy 25 Monosomy X 20 Triploidy 15 Tetraploidy 5 Other 10 Chromosome abnormalities in newborns Incidence / 10,000 births Trisomy 13 2 Trisomy 18 3 Trisomy 21 15 45,X 1 47,XXX 10 47,XXY 10 47,XYY 10 Unbalanced 10 Balanced 30 Total 90 Triploidy Trisomy 16 Trisomy 13 &18 Trisomy 21 Klinefelters 45X lethal Most common in spontaneous miscarriages Completely lethal. Cause unknown 95% miscarry 80% miscarry 50% miscarry 1% at conception 98% miscarry, probably mosaic survive Chromosome abnormalities 7 6 3 2 1 2 4 5 ريخت شناسي :كروموزوم از لحاظ ريخت شناسي براي كروموزوم ها در متافاز اجزاء زير را مي توان در نظر گرفت: مشخصات اصلي كروموزوم

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